7 Reasons Why You Should Switch To Linux | digitalPeoplezero


1. You Can Download The Source For Linux

You will be able to see everything that has ever been done on Linux all the way back from its inception. Why would anyone even care about the source code? Well, the reason you are going to want to care is that there are people who are constantly looking at the source for things like bugs and security issues, and various other matters.

2. Install Updates Without Rebooting Your Machines

If you have a windows sever, You have to upgrade your software then reboot the system again. This will result  in your users experiencing downtime. With Linux you can update almost anything without  a reboot, and for kernels version 4.0 and beyond, You can even update the kernel itself.

3. Run The Linux On Almost Any Hardware

When I say any hardware, I am referring to both different types of hardware, as well as hardware form various data ranges. There are fully functional Linux installs that are, in some cases, less than 32MB in size. This means that you can go into that closet, dust off that old computer from 1993, and breathe new life into it by installing an appropriate Linux system with respect to your space.

4. Move A Hard Drive From One Machine To Another

This is largely made  possible by the fact that all the drivers in Linux are built-in. Moving a hard drive from one machine to another does not affect it. It simply sees all your new machines. On windows, not will it probably not work.

5. Install software Without Worrying About Viruses

Now, This is not to say that Linux is virus and malware proof. It is just to say that it is a lot harder for viruses and malware to get on your system. That is due to two things. Number one, It is harder to escalate privileges on Linux for just a normal user. Number two, Most of the software that you download for Linux comes from official repositories, and those are guaranteed.

6. Drivers Installed Automatically  

The driver's scene has improved on windows 10 as well but it has always been better on Linux. Almost all driver are automatically installed on your system. If there is more then one driver available, you can choose to install the one you want.

7. Community Support

Probably the best thing about Linux is the community of users itself. Not just blogs/publications like ours - but you can interact with people to get help on numerous forums. you will find a lot of helpful users online who will go the extra mile to help you out. So, you're not alone, We're a family here!